20 Years Later: Revisiting the Yellow Submarine
Our friend Rich Pleimling in New Buffalo, Michigan wanted to share his story.
In 1997, he was at his wits end for changing the color of his leather seats of his chopped 16′ 1966 suburban Yellow Submarine from brown to black.
Rich Purchased six cans of Molecubond (what ColorBond was named then). They were packaged in 6 oz cans at the time. He spent $24.00.
He was extremely skeptical that an aerosol could achieve magic.
After completing the job he could not believe the softness and durability of ColorBond on the leather and hard plastic.
“Today these seats are as soft and cushy as they were 20 years ago,” said Rich. “And the girls really love to squeeze them at all the car shows.”
An interior replacement of this magnitude today would cost over $5000. It would cost about $112 to do this job today with ColorBond.
Rich kept the Molecubond aerosol can all these years to remind him of the quality of ColorBond.
He has just purchased four cans of Sea Ray Cutty white to restore his first automobile that he ever owned, a 1953 Stubebaker (pictured).
Can’t wait to see that restoration.