Golf Cart Seat Refinishing with ColorBond | ColorBond Blog – Colorbond Paint

Golf Cart Seat Refinishing with ColorBond

August 12, 2016

Anyone who owns a golf cart can attest to the wear put on the upholstery. The constant exposure to the elements and passengers getting in and out can quickly cause a once bright seat to look dull and dreary.

When our friend Aaron’s cart began to show the signs of use, he knew he had to grab the ColorBond. For only $49.95, he completely changed the look of the cart for a fraction of replacing the seats outright (at least $600).

Painting Golf Cart Seats

He writes: “Your product is awesome and it totally changed the entire look of the cart. Like I said, I had done my research and started using your product a couple years ago with fixing up my sons first vehicle vs. using the stuff (DupliColor) you would get at Advance or Auto Zone. Your product is superior and the results prove it. The cart is the biggest job that I have performed with Colorbond but I think it turned out great!”

We think so too, Aaron. Cheers to a job well done.


Golf Cart Before ColorBond


Golf Cart Before ColorBond


Golf Cart Before ColorBond



Golf Cart After ColorBond

Golf Cart After ColorBond


Golf Cart After ColorBond

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