Engine Paint Available in Classic OEM Colors
Are you are rebuilding your engine, totally restoring your car, or just want to freshen up the look of your engine? If so, you may be thinking about engine paint. A high-quality engine paint job not only provides visual appeal but also protects the metal from corrosion. However, remember all paints are not created equal.
The paint used to refinish an engine should be specifically designed for that purpose. Standard spray paints, as well as spray paints meant for the body or trim of an automobile most likely won’t have the temperature resistance needed for the high heat conditions of an engine. Also, the engine paint must be durable and able to withstand road salt spray if the vehicle is operated in the wintery conditions. Color selection is also of importance. Especially if you want to paint the engine in the OEM correct color.
ColorBond offers Pro Tech Engine Enamel that meets and exceeds these criteria. Pro Tech Engine Enamel is a glossy metallic alkyd primer that is formulated for maximum adhesion and protects the engine from small chips, chemicals and high heat. Pro Tech provides a gorgeous “fresh from the factory” look, is rated to 500° F, and has received OEM certification from numerous manufacturers.
With 14 colors available, Pro Tech engine paint offers a wide color selection, including OEM colors that match the engine paint originally used in classic cars. Superb, durable and long-lasting quality along with availability of classic OEM colors makes Pro Tech an excellent choice for professional or amateur auto restorers who require engine paint colors to be OEM correct.
Here are a few examples:
Pontiac Blue #1440
Chevy Orange #1581
Hemi Orange #1441
For more information on Pro Tech Engine Enamel Click Here.